The place to be

to find ease in daily movement

and to reduce your pain.  

My name is Tracy Vinnicombe, and I am a mum of two gorgeous children and wife to the best man I have ever known.  

We live in Surrey, England, and always trying to find the perfect balance of job satisfaction, self worth, and quality family time.  

I have 18 years experience as a sports therapist (dealing with pain, injuries, treatment and rehab).  

I am qualified in a multitude of soft tissue skills, from Sports Massage, Cupping Therapy, Stretch Therapy, Gua-Sha, to name but a few! In the last five years I added Stretch Therapy, Mobility, Meditation & Breathwork and Yoga to my list of loves and techniques.

I love the human body, and all its intricacies.

I am a course junkie, and love to learn! I’m currently studying to be a hypnotherapist!

My first love was dance! I started dance classes aged 8 and retired from performing at age 28. I truly enjoyed 8 years of life as a professional dancer on world tours (dealing with my own pain, injuries, treatment and rehab!).  

I performed with Matthew Bournes` Swan Lake for 5 years, among other performing contracts in contemporary dance companies, musicals and operas.  

I am passionate about helping you to move better and feel better!

There is nothing more important to me than getting you out of pain, being in better control of your body, feeling more capable and less prone to injury.

I treat in person 5 days a week, daytimes, evenings and weekends, and would love to assess, treat and guide you on pain or injury management.

If you are in need of a physical treatment get in touch! My diary is run to fit around an ever changing schedule, so get in touch and we’ll find the perfect day and time to book you in.

If you are looking for movement ideas, group classes, or 1-1 coaching to get out of pain then click here

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discounts on classes and coaching!  

What’s not to love about that?  

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