The Therapists’ Coach

Business coaching for Massage Therapists in private practice.

Supporting you to build a thriving private practice, attract and retain perfect fit clients & smash your income goals!

After 18 years as a solopreneur in the therapy world, I've discovered that success thrives better with support.

Running a business solo can be challenging—keeping motivation up, dealing with overwhelm, and battling loneliness. But it doesn't have to be that way. Having a support system, someone to listen, and a fresh perspective from someone who's been in the same boat, still navigating the waters of growing a therapy business, can do wonders for motivation and productivity. It's like giving your business a 10x boost in growth!

THRIVE Membership

A place for like minded therapists to get the support they need, in community not competition!

2 x per month live online Q&A and coaching calls

Daily support in the Thrive private Facebook group

Access to all current & future resources at 50% off

I LOVE Thrive!

Join us and let’s learn from each other mistakes, celebrate our wins together, grow quicker together for only £99/month

Manifest More Clients

Get into the energetics of up levelling yourself and your business to become a client magnet!

A 21 Day Program to dive into at your own pace with daily tasks  to build your best business with dreamy, perfect fit clients.

£147 to change your energy, outlook and mindset to get fully booked

The 5 Step Blueprint to Booked Out!

This FREE Masterclass is to turn your therapy practice into a thriving hub of perfect clients using my 5 proven protocols to strategically draw clients in.

Access this FREE Masterclass below, and have a notepad ready!

Dream Big

To begin building your therapy business or helping it to flourish you need to know what direction to go in…is it a different venue, a

Use this space to add more details about your site, a customer quote, or to talk about important news.

Sustain your body for an Injury Free Career

A self care program for massage therapists, because…who looks after you?

Look after your tools (hands, wrists, forearms etc), reduce your risk of injuries, and have a long and joyous career.

You are a precious resource, treat yourself to some well deserved love and attention.

Need to up your visibility so your perfect fit clients can find you?

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